A 19 inch brown trout from Michigan Trout stream in Michigan. A 19 inch brook trout from North Carolina Grand Teton Mountains, WY An 18 inch cutthroat trout from Wyoming

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Trout Streams of Southwest Wisconsin, North


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DVD: Trout Streams of North Carolina, West

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DVD: Trout Streams of Southwest Wisconsin, North

How to Fly Fish with a Spinning Rod

Trout Streams of Virginia

Trout Streams of North Carolina, West

Trout Streams of Michigan, U.P. West

Trout Streams of Southwest Wisconsin, North

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Coppersmith Studios Presents

Inspiring Music by Dan Coppersmith

Dan's Music is a collection of instrumental improvisations inspired by his many days fishing the wonderful trout streams of Wisconsin, the Rocky Mountains and elsewhere. Currently the music is not available for purchase but you can listen to it for free by clicking the links below.

Vol. 01 Early Improvisations Vol. 01 Early Improvisations This album was recorded between 1997-2003 on analog equipment. It features mostly mellow, peaceful tunes. Lullabye and Pacific Island Paradise are particularly tranquil. The album cover is of Copper Creek, a fine brown trout stream in SW Wisconsin. See elsewhere in the website for a video of this stream.
Vol. 02 Early Improvisations Vol. 02 Early Improvisations This album was recorded between 1996-2003 on analog equipment. The first half is improvised harpsichord pieces, with Brilliance being my favorite. This is the tune played on the "Golden Trout of Sylvan Lake" video in the Rocky Mountain section, lofty and floating. The remaining 5 harpsichord are more down-to-earth sounding. The second half features a variety of basic synthesizer and organ jams, Serious Business being by far the most powerful. The album cover is of the double waterfall on the St. Mary River in Glacier National Park, Montana.
Vol. 03 Early Improvisations Vol. 03 Early Improvisations The first 45 minutes features harpsichord improvisations. The first tune, Brilliance, was totally improvised and is a really brilliant piece. The remaining 20 minutes features acoustic guitar pieces (as played on a keyboard), all improvised. The album was recorded between 1998-2003 while I was still using inferior analog recording methods but the tunes still come thru. The album cover is of the three gossips rock formation in Arches National Park, Utah.
Vol. 04 Ghost Rock Vol. 04 Ghost Rock This album was recorded in 2004 and is my first album to utilize state-of-the-art all digital recording technology. The sound quality between the first 3 albums and those appearing afterwards is substantial. This is a real heavy rocking album, not for the faint of heart. 5 of the 9 tunes feature a distorted guitar sound, the others feature synth, sitar or harpsichord. The album cover is a zoomed photo of a mountain in Jasper National Park, Alberta. After I took the picture I realized there was a cloud in front of the mountain that, upon closer inspection, has an eerie resemblance to a ghost.
Vol. 05 Relaxation Vol. 05 Relaxation This album was recorded in 2004 and, like the previous one, also features all digital recording technology. Unlike the hard rocking Vol. 04, this album is mostly a collection of relaxing, mellow tunes. Light piano, chimes, harpsichord, theramin and synthesizers all work to restore your inner balence and rest your stressful mind. The album cover is a photo of Pyramid Lake in Jasper National Park. If you ever get a chance to go there you will surely find it as peaceful as the music on this album.
Vol. 06 Attack of the Trolls Vol. 06 Attack of the Trolls This album was recorded in 2005. As the title suggests, it is an aggressive rocker not for the faint of heart. The first 5 tunes feature distorted guitar or heavy synthesizers. The second half features more exotic sounds, with African drumming, didgeridoos and screaming natives appearing in tunes "Apacolypto" and "Didgeridoo". "Mysterioso" and "Indian Ocean" are dark and mysterious. The last tune, "Mr. Brown Trout", personifies the mood of a big brown trout, king of the pool, as he chases minnows and rises to take a drifting fly.
Vol. 07 Beauty Creek Vol. 07 Beauty Creek This album was recorded in 2005. This is not a rock album nor is it jazz, although the music is still mostly improvised. It's kind of New Age-ish. The title track starts off cold and slow, similar to the glacier that feeds the headwaters of Beauty Creek in the Canadian Rockies. It then warms up and attempts to emulate the beauty of this wonderful mountain stream as it flows thru the warmer valley. "Reverberations" is based on the augmented scale and is perhaps the coolest tune I have published. You can hear the full version of it from the Cave of the Mounds video. "Earth and Air" is both earth and etheric. "Wave of Calm" features a blissful trumpet soaring over waves of arpeggios. The remaining tune such as "Mallets" and "Flute and Koto" are mostly subtle acoustic pieces. "Thrifty Shift" and "Easter Bunny" are both easy going and fun.
Vol. 08 My Regrets Vol. 08 My Regrets This collection of mostly improvised tunes was recorded in 2006. The title track, My Regrets, is in honor of the beautiful Tyler Forks River in Northern Wisconsin which is currently being threatened by unregulated mining practices. The album cover is also of this stream. 5 of the 11 tunes feature slide guitar, so it has a somewhat acoustic feel to it. There are several traditional jazz sounding pieces, such as Chippewa Theme, I Think I Will Go Fishing, and Big and Bouncy. Wind in Your Hair and Winter Crispness are cold, desolate pieces that may inspire you to stay home and put another log on the fire. And Then Came the Sun is similar, but it breaks into a warm, cheerful tone as the sun begins to break thru the clouds once again.

The below albums are scheduled for re-publication in the near future, about one per month.

Vol. 09 Who Done It Vol. 09 Who Done It A combination of rock, blues and mystery. That aptly describes the first 4 tunes - The Syth, Who Done It, Where Did It Go Now, and Kohls Dept Store. The remaining 7 selections are structured rock jams, all of fine quality. The cover photo is of a rock formation I saw in the Utah wilderness. Its resemblance to a frog like face is so eerie you automatically ask "Who Done It?".
Vol. 10 Yellowstone Vol. 10 Yellowstone This collection of instrumental improvised tunes was created under the inspiration of a couple trips I made out to Yellowstone National Park. It is perhaps the most peaceful, lofty album I have made. Click on the link and you can hear a sampling of each song. My fishing videos from Yellowstone (see elsewhere on this site) each feature music from this album.
Vol. 11 Little Brook Trout Vol. 11 Little Brook Trout. My 11th CD features 11 delightful little tunes. They are colorful, fun, simple and light, similar to the brook trout on the album cover. There is a little more of a jazz influence, especially on the 2nd half of the album. You can hear Little Brook Trout on the Big Rib River video, Just a Little Bit on Gotfried Lake (wind river mntns), Fishy Groove on W. Rosebud Crk (MT) and Cosmic Principles on Copper Falls SP (N. WI).
Vol. 12 Hammer of Thor Vol. 12 Hammer of Thor As the name and picture implies, this is more of a heavy rock type feel. The picture comes from Utah's Bryce Canyon and that rock is actually called Thor's Hammer. The 2nd tune, UFO in Norway, can be heard on the Utah Black Canyon EF Sevier River video. The tune was completely improvised shortly after the well documented UFO appearance in Norway, 12/2009, and is probably the most inspired and dramatic tune in my repertoire. Beowulf is another good tune which can be heard on the Utah Angels Landing video. Half Dome, Blast 54, and Psycho Riff have a psychedelic style while the rest are basic jazz/rock improvisations.
Vol. 13 Weird Rock Vol. 13 Weird Rock That picture comes from Utah's Kodachrome Basin State Park, and is the weirdest rock I have ever seen. Some might say this album is the weirdest rock they have ever heard. The first tune, Weird Rock, is an up-tempo keyboard piece. Woolly Bugger has some similarities to the UFO in Norway tune from the previous album, a dramatic heavy synth improvisation. Old Town is my tribute to the famous canoe company in Main, and Jury Deliberations was written shorty after I served Jury duty. I recorded Overtime shortly after working a lot of overtime and Let's Have a Party is a long jam session with piano, horns and the eloquent theremin.
Vol. 14 Skyline Vol. 14 Skyline The album cover is a picture from the Skyline Trail in Jasper National Park and is one of the most wonderful high altitude views I have ever seen, in person or otherwise. And so this album strives to convey that sense of other worldliness and loftiness as exemplified by that picture. The title tune, Skyline, probably does the best job of capturing that feeling and can be heard on the Twin Lakes video (wind river mntns). Where Am I is a very close second and is featured on No Name Lakes (wind river mntns). Haunted Hollow and Stillness are on the Steiner Brook and Lovetts Creek videos (S. WI). You can hear Song of the Vines, a more Earthy type tune, in the Collins Creek (NC) video. This is a very fine collection of tunes and much different from its predecessor Weird Rock.
Vol. 15 Splendor of Tipheret Vol. 15 Splendor of Tipheret Named after a spiritual being who supposedly resides in the Sun, my last and final album features a collection of predominately happy tunes. It starts out with Quartz, a precisely timed upbeat tune based on a modified scale. Splendor of Tipheret is my favorite. I never get tired of listening to this tune! It is the sunlight waking everything up in the morning. Swell is riding the waves of the ocean. Too Much To Drink (and Now I am Lost) can be heard on the Straight Creek video (NC). Sneaky Santa - Utah's Sevier River; Playful 6ths - Utah's Pinto Creek; Upbeat - Neil Lake/Wind River Mntns. The other tunes like Handycam, Wiggling and Rinpoche are all very good and worth a listen.